This specimen takes my breath away. The sexy vertical hair growth above his navel is poetic. As is the continued whimsical swirl around and below the belly button. Such beautiful natural hair growth.....but methinks the trail dude's been 'scapped above the tighty whitey Calvin briefs. Yes? No? His Calvins do entice with the sexy hint of an impressive treasure. The wonderful hair on his thighs. I could go on. He is delectable and a remarkable beauty in every way, no?
This is no "Boy." Click on the photo to pay proper respect to this beautiful man. It is quite worth worshipping, IMO.
Thank you Kevin.
Happy Trails, to you all!
My 2020 OSCAR predictions
My predictions. We almost did it. See my earlier post about the Oscars
We managed to see Once Upon A Time in Hollywood
Judy, Marriage Story, The ...
5 years ago