I love a swimmers body (or a runner or tennis athlete male body) most of all. Long, lean and fit. And proportional. What a breathtaking specimen this? Look at those shoulder and those long lean arms. And the Orions Belt or Iliac Crest (thank you Steve for anatomical name)! Perfect proportions.
He is a swimmer. So he probably gets rid of his body hair. Michael Phelps usually eliminates his body hair (which is very lovely in its natural state) when he is competing. It makes a swimmer more aerodynamic I guess?
This dude has left a very thin, spare trail. Zen-ish. I think he shorn himself of pubic hair. But he left a hint of a trail. What a beauty in every way. It looks like he hasn't shaved his legs. I don't think he has a natural abundance of body hair. Do you think he has taken his sport seriously and eliminated his natural male beauty?
My 2020 OSCAR predictions
My predictions. We almost did it. See my earlier post about the Oscars
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5 years ago
May I suggest to take a look at Tom Daley, the very hot UK swimmer with the nice happy trail... https://books.google.be/books?id=_h5jAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA44&lpg=PA44&dq=grijsaard+en+fran%C3%A7ais&source=bl&ots=MhKtfkqsxp&sig=ACfU3U2w_96OOagug8OJs2hDWt2bvOL8Pw&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjc9brZ1bHhAhVKa1AKHa9cCBYQ6AEwB3oECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=grijsaard%20en%20fran%C3%A7ais&f=false
ReplyDeleteSorry, my mistake wrong link. Anyway, just google Tom Daley :-)
ReplyDeleteIf you enlarge the pic you can see that he does have hair on his arms and legs. I think he just does not have much body hair naturally. As you say above, long, lean and fit. Very attractive man.
ReplyDeleteThis is Australian water polo player Rhys Howden. I think this is his natural body hair self as water polo players don't really need to shave or wax for extra speed like competitive swimmers do. He competed in the 2008 and 2012 Olympics.