
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A Glorious man and CELEBRATION of Natural male beauty

I got the message.  No words.

This specimen is PEFECT in ever way.  Goddess given.  Not faux and contrived.    He is too perfect.

I'd click on it to see him in full.  Such efforts may not work on your device and/or the OS.  

I think this would be the perfect exaltation for a final ending.  I couldn't ask for anymore than this.  But he cannot be perfect if is a feckin eejit, humorless, conceited/arrogant (how could he not be given that he is a masterpiece).  Last, but certainly not least, he must NOT be an American Republican.  That is the lowest form of life on the planet.  Just above a cockroach.    But definitely way more lowly than a serpent.

OOPS, I have said too much.  One mustn't speak in this world today.


  1. No, please speak. I enjoy your observations about what you're porting!

  2. I thought that you were against "hate." There's too much to love here to worry about the man's political views.

  3. "Natural beauty" is quite an accurate description of this man.

  4. I recognised him as a model - Walter Savage, sadly he is straight !!
