
Sunday, July 28, 2019

UP CLOSE to a beautiful, albeit coiffed TREASURE TRAIL

What a beautiful image of manhood.  You can see that his body hair was trimmed and is just reached its recovery, beyond the status of stable.  Imagine two to three weeks from now the way this goddess-given beauty will blossom.  Thank you Kevin Conus.

Such a beautiful man.  Thank heavens he didn't massacre a beautiful bush which frames a remarkable, very respectful TT straining for even more of a full attention.  (Click on photo to see just how impressive this specimen is.  If your device will allow).

It was so long ago.  But I can remember when my erection felt that it couldn't stop engorging.  It was a profound experience.   I hope every one of you still have this blessing.  Relish and honor these experiences vociferously.  One day, you will miss this blissful natural state of being and experience. That is the way of life.  Why do we not communicate with each other and share our experience and knowledge?

Thank you for your responses.  I chose this one just for you TT reader you, sc57, who left a recent comment, that I am unable to copy:

I am always of appreciative reader involvement, even the most strident ones.  I may not agree.   But please speak up will you still can.  Someday in the near future you may not be able to enjoy beauty and share your experience, amongst one another.

Does anyone understand the reality of "end of life"?  It is quite different than living life to the fullest.  They are two dramatically different experiences.  Both deserve our profound respect.  I live in a reality of death and finality (not necessarily mine).  No one here will escape death.  And I wouldn't ever have presumed to disrespect that experience for those that are living it.

Will this person have this post removed?  This is the world you all live in.


  1. As I told my mother before she died: "Everyone gets a turn."

  2. Gorgeously engorged.
    Yes, you are correct. Some day, the boners just will not appear as hard as they once did.
    As I helped care for my mother in the last week of her life, it's an experience worth having. I like the way Rick put it: "Everyone gets a turn."

  3. Hi...
    We are all custodians of a piece of time on this Earth, most of us I believe have some rough times and learnt a great deal, hopefully blessed with the love and support of friends, which has moulded us into the person we are...hopefully we can pass our love and experiences to the people around is perhaps not we achieve in our short existence on this planet, but at the end remains in our what's in our heart and how we have lived?

  4. Sorry I got some of my words muddled there?

  5. Wow! Many thanks. You are so kind to us.
